Saturday, June 20, 2009

Is Life Unfair?

Too many people surrounding you are either fighting life-threatening diseases or have lost to incurable diseases. As our civilization progresses into different levels of modernization, so are disorders and illnesses. We might have found cures and ways of prevention for sicknesses that have caused lives fifty years ago, but new ones keep emerging as we speak.

Being healthy, normal and alive is a privilege: something we take for granted. Some children are born handicapped, with mental or physical illnesses, with rare genetic disorders and syndromes, but surprisingly they don't blame life and have a brighter outlook than many of us. Bottom point is, not like convicts, they never committed anything wrong to deserve all these. We can be outside carrying our normal lives, but some of these children can never step out of their enclosure.

Nevertheless, there are still people out there who are not satisfied with what they already own. Be glad you are born normal. Be glad you can mingle with other normal beings. Be glad you can carry on a life and achieve your dreams and goals. No one says life is easy. There are always ups and downs in our life, which is an adventure to learn and cultivate yourself. When you complain about some petty issues or is having a bad day, just think about what I mentioned above and I am sure you will feel much better. Be content and always carry an open heart.

Nothing in this world is free: stop complaining about being poor, because 95% of the wealthy people worked really hard to be where they are today, stop complaining about not having the look and keeps wanting to alter it, because remember, you are lucky to be born normal. You might not have everything, but there are always people who are less fortunate than you. No one said life is fair, but adjusting your mentality will let you realize and agree that you are a fortunate being.

This post is my thought after visiting my aunt who is currently told she is in the last stage of pulmonary lymphoma. The cancer has spread to her neck and brain, which signifies she has at most one year of life. She entirely collapsed after doctors brought her this dreadful news. This news not only gave me additional strength and initiation to do my best at my cancer metastasis research this summer and give me extra motivation to perform all my best towards my study in the field of pharmacology.

R.I.P. to my second uncle who passed away 11 years ago due to pulmonary cancer, three close family friends who also passed away due to different types of cancers and my maternal side grandfather who lost fight to an unknown/unfamiliar disease.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Follow your Heart

“Don’t make your life’s focus about having what you want to have, this is empty. Rather be who you want to be and do what you want to do, this is where substance lies” –Tim Ferris author of the 4 hour work week.

Sometimes people should follow their heart and not listen to their head. No one is society's puppet. Don't let people around you influence and manipulate your perception. Most importantly, stop trying to become someone you are not. Friends and families will always love and accept the real you. Be creative and follow your heart... you will genuinely be happier.

*Image from raspberrytart at flickr

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GARLIC "Je T'Aime Beaucoup"

Like everything else, garlic has its down-side:

* Too much can irritate your digestive system.

* Creates horrible breathe.

But let's focus on its benefits!

[Top Ten Factors WHY You Should Love Garlic]

10. A natural anti-coagulent and has astringent properties so it help

s fight infection.

9. Good for the heart: lowers blood fats and lowers cholesterol.

8. Fights cancer on a molecular and cellular level.

7. Increases the production of hydrogen sulfide in your blood, which relaxes your relaxes your blood vessels and increases blood flow.

6. Easy to grow and can be grown year-round in mild climates.

5. One of the best cooking ingredient and condiment ever existed

4. Tastes magnificent and wonderful.

3. If you're about to engage in a conversation with someone you hate, eat enough of it to disgust their senses and olfactory organ.

2. Thanks to its pungent taste and smell, it wakes your taste bud and clear your tear ducts.

and drum rolls please...

1. Can't repudiate the on going myth: garlic keeps away the vampires! Adios Edward Cullen =]

All said, I think Twilight is a horrible film. Horrible plot and some horrible acting! And yes, I was dragged to watch the movie. Let's wait and see how New Moon performs in November.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Migratory Snow Birds

One of my favorite Chinese Mandarin songs of all time. Lyric is mellow and melancholic, which brings back good and bad memories. Nevertheless, beautifully written!

Migratory Snow Birds "雪候鳥"
Sang by Panda Xiong "熊天平"
Mandarin to English Translation by Belle/Me
Published in 1998

隨候鳥南飛 風一刀一刀地吹

(Follow the migratory birds to the south. The wind is blowing like non-stop knife cuts.)

妳刺痛我心扉 我為妳滴血

(You stabbed and hurt my heart. I'm bleeding for you.)

妳遺棄的世界 我等妳要回

(The world you abandoned. I'm waiting for you to take it back/want it back.)

我不想南飛 淚一滴一滴地墜

(I don't want to fly south. Tears fall drop after drop.)

我空虛的雙臂 妳讓我包圍

(You made me surround my empty embrace.)

我有過的一切 妳給的最美

(The all I had. You gave the best.)

我又回頭去飛 去追

(Again, I turn my head back to fly, to chase.)


(Let the past, scene by scene, force me to tear/cry.)

我不信妳忘卻 我不要我單飛

(I don't believe you have forgotten. I don't want to fly alone.)


(In your absence, everywhere I escape to, my heart is always in an abyss and dead.)

我又回頭去追 去醉

(Again, I turn my head back to chase, to intoxication.)


(Even if I chased to the end there is only frigid snow left.)

天都為我傷悲 冷的愛快枯萎

(Even heaven feels my sadness/feels bad. Cold to the point my love starts to wilt.)


(Let all snowstorms cover my broken heart.)

Monday, June 08, 2009

Why Dinosaurs went Extinct & Gummy Dance

reason behind why dinosaurs went extinct and pigs are in excess

HOW IN THIS WORLD this video achieved more than 15 MILLION VIEWS

Friday, June 05, 2009

Give me a Reason to Walk on Fire

When Plan A fails, resort to Plan B. How many times have we heard of that sentence? Enough to voice out "do you think I'm this dumb not to know?". Unfortunately, there are always obstinate souls willing to risk it all by downgrading themselves. If degrading yourself isn't getting you the right guy, it is time to modify your plan.

Why taking the risk and walk on fire when you always have a choice? For girls who wonder about always being categorized under easy, moody, airhead, gold-digger, etc., take a minute to ponder why. You whine, cry, throw tantrum and complain about others being unfair or simply blind. Stop being headstrong and open your eyes. Don't blame your mistakes and actions on others. Take a minute to reflect on yourself. What did you do to earn promiscuous names and to loose people's respect? As redundant as it is, actions always speak louder than words. Take the initiative to improve your image. For instance, if you're in the airhead category, start visiting libraries and bookstores to pick up knowledge. Sophisticated and cultured can take you far. Ignorant and foolish can rip you hard. You claim you don't care about what others see in you, the truth is if you're seriously nonchalant, you wouldn't show signs of bother from the beginning. Remember, you always have a choice to redeem your errors. Start by respecting yourself and involuntarily, society will follow your steps and grant you the respect you deserve.

At the end of the day, guys only divide girls into two unquestionable categories: for marriage or relationship and for warming his bed. Which category would you like to fall under? Choose carefully, wisely and discreetly. Moreover, stop daydreaming and imagining yourself being the lucky lottery winner in marrying a charming, handsome, rich guy. Nothing in this world is free. Like dogs don't choose cats as their mate, great guys don't choose lousy girls as their partner and vice-versa. Want to marry the best guy out there? Make yourself the best girl available. Beware, the latter doesn't consists solely of looks and body but also of intelligence, grace, and most importantly personality. Think of a product: the packaging and the inner content should be equally satisfying accompanied with the best quality. And always remember, with some diligence and perseverance, you always have a choice to become the IT girl.

*Article Written for Welations.Com*

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Clearly God DOESN'T Want You

Woman Surviving a Train Hit not surprised she is mentally ill

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Trying to Make you His Accessory

I have guy friends who bluntly told me I'm very unapproachable in clubs and bars. In some way I'm shocked, but partially it is true. When visiting those places, I have only one mentality: to have a great time with friends. I'm not there to pick up guys, to meet new faces or to accumulate numbers; thus, I usually avoid unnecessary "talks" with random people. I do however give props to the ones that have mustered enough courage to approach a total stranger, especially those without a wingman. Nevertheless, why am I being this boring and anti-social? Because guys you meet during the nightlife hours, doesn't matter if he's sweet, charming, player, asshole, jerk, friendly, cute, weird, you name it, generally have one motive in mind. And definitely not to become your "friend".

Anyway, what are all these leading to? Guys playing their games: approach a girl, get the lady interested with their smoothness (if they know how to flirt correctly), ask for a number, probably lead them on with false hope, etc., You get the point. Games are nonetheless interesting and fun, but it gets old and tiring. What the society is lacking nowadays is pure honesty. All these labyrinth of confusion create useless tension and what do you gain from it towards the end of the day? Love and relationship isn't a game and it is even more pathetic when a guy defines love and relationship equal sex. He is then a moron who hasn't been mentally educated or emotionally cultured.

Ladies, please do yourself a favor. Stop lavishing a guy with gifts, cater to his every need, waste your precious time and thoughts when he has obviously made you into a piece of his game. Bottom line, even you give him your all, he won't change his mind. They don't think or act like females who warm up their feelings like a crock pot. Guys usually know if they are physically attracted and interested within around three seconds of spotting you. If you can't tell the difference between him being genuinely interested or just playing, ask a friend who is an outsider to study your interaction with him. Generally speaking, third parties always see the truth because of their impartialness. Don't be fooled by their smile and charm. If a guy is serious about you, he will make an effort to reveal his feeling and interest.

When you're seriously interested in a guy, you should blatantly send out accurate messages or hints and pray he's on the same boat. Even he's not, don't sweat and proudly move on because I repeat, guys usually don't change mind. Exception does exist when you try to create one and we will leave the how for another post. Overall, don't waste your effort on guys that aren't serious or not interested because those that are worth your time won't let you shed a sweat!

For more insight, visit he's just not that into you.