Like everything else, garlic has its down-side:
* Too much can irritate your digestive system.
* Creates horrible breathe.
But let's focus on its benefits!
[Top Ten Factors WHY You Should Love Garlic]
10. A natural anti-coagulent and has astringent properties so it help
s fight infection.
9. Good for the heart: lowers blood fats and lowers cholesterol.
8. Fights cancer on a molecular and cellular level.
7. Increases the production of hydrogen sulfide in your blood, which relaxes your relaxes your blood vessels and increases blood flow.
6. Easy to grow and can be grown year-round in mild climates.
5. One of the best cooking ingredient and condiment ever existed
4. Tastes magnificent and wonderful.
3. If you're about to engage in a conversation with someone you hate, eat enough of it to disgust their senses and olfactory organ.
2. Thanks to its pungent taste and smell, it wakes your taste bud and clear your tear ducts.
and drum rolls please...
1. Can't repudiate the on going myth: garlic keeps away the vampires! Adios Edward Cullen =]
All said, I think Twilight is a horrible film. Horrible plot and some horrible acting! And yes, I was dragged to watch the movie. Let's wait and see how New Moon performs in November.
i agree with your No.4 !!!